Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Creekside Sign Permitting Complete

Received word today from Alex with Future Forms that we have completed the permitting process for the Creekside Entrance Monunment. Future Forms will begin the fabrication process immediately. Hopefully we will see installation before the end of this summer.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Pool Repaired & CMB Meeting Tonight

Repairs to the Creekwood Pool were completed. There were multiple leaks in the plumbing system surrounding the pool. Initially 1 leak was found, but during repairs 2 more leaks were discovered and corrected.

Tonight is the regularly scheduled monthly CMB meeting for June at the AMI office, 9031 Town Center Parkway, Bradenton, FL 34202. As always these meetings are open to the Creekwood Community to attend.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Ways & Means Committee Meeting Tonight

Tonight is the Ways & Means committee meeting. Anyone interested in serving on the Recreation Area Committee should attend as this will be a sub-committee of the Ways & Means. Click on the image to view the agenda.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


The below announcement was sent via e-mail from AMI

Date: June 12, 2008
Subject: Broadcast Notice - Pool Closed

The Swimming Pool is CLOSED for leak repairs. We expect it to be reopened by the weekend. We apoloizise for any inconvenience and appreciate your cooperation.

Thank you,
The Creekwood Master Association, Inc. BOD
and Advanced Management Inc.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

New Website Feature

A Calendar of Events was added today to the Creekside at Creekwood Website as well as to the Creekside News blog . This will be updated with information for any meetings and events in the Creekside and Creekwood communities. If you would like to add any events to this calendar please e-mail

Friday, June 6, 2008

Driveway Information from the ACC

A message from the ACC to Creekwood Homeowners:
We have been traveling the area looking at a variety of toppings that contractors put on driveways, and so far, have found nothing suitable to repair Creekwood driveways. To cover the cracks and uneven surfaces contractors are using diagonal tile patterns, designs and three color mottle processes. All are costly and all need to be resealed every couple years. We hope the article below will explain the situation to owners and reduce the number of calls we receive.
Thank you,
Sharon Fannin
Chairman/Creekwood ACC


In response to requests from homeowners, the Architectural Control Committee continues to research the market to find a product that will conceal cracks on driveways, will not chip, flake, bubble or peel and looks like concrete. So far we have not found that product, so we must continue to warn owners DO NOT PAINT OR STAIN DRIVEWAYS. Paint or stain on driveways has never been permitted in Creekwood. If an owner paints or stains a driveway (even one that was previously painted), he/she will be required to remove the paint with a grinder or sandblast process which costs approximately $1,200. And, if that process doesn't solve the problem, the owner may be required to replace the driveway. NOTE: All changes to the exterior of the home require ACC approval.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Special CMB meeting this Friday

A Special Meeting of the Creekwood Master Board has been called to resolve a problem with the selected bid for the extension of the Creekwood Blvd. fence. This meeting will be held Friday, June 6th at AMI's office at 5:30 pm. Please click on the image for AMI's address.

RBC Bank Robbed Today!!

The RBC Centura Bank at the entrance to Creekwood was robbed this afternoon. Please click below to read more.

RBC Bank Robbed Today

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Recreation Area Committee being Formed

The Recreation Area Committee is seeking volunteers. The committee is being formed to handle all the issues related to the recreation area that includes the pool, basketball court, tennis court, volleyball court, grills, etc. The first priority that has been identified by the Creekwood Master Board for this committee is to resolve the Pool issue from last summer. The Committee will discuss and attempt to quantify as many aspects of the options available to deal with the pool including, but not limited to ongoing maintenance and repairs to the pool area, improving the pool area, or removal of the pool area. Options will require looking at Creekwood Document requirements, County codes, estimated expenses to maintain or remove/replace, estimates of alternatives, estimates of impact on home values and the opinion of Creekwood homeowner's. If you would like to participate please contact Sami Bisharat in Creekside via e-mail or at home (941)727-9878. A chairperson has not been selected, Sami is only coordinating the volunteers.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Tables, Benches & Trash Cans for the Recreation Area

Due to repeated Vandalism of the concrete benches, tables and trash cans, the Security committee and the Ways & Means committee worked together to provide a recommendation for replacement of those items with a Thermo Plastic Coated metal style that are more resistant to breakage and graffiti removal, but are still aesthetically appealing. The CMB voted to order 2 6ft. picnic tables, 2 6ft. players benches and 2 trash cans. These recommended replacement items are also less expensive than the repeatedly vandalised concrete versions. All items are to be color coordinated as well. When the ordered replacements arrive, the last of the broken concrete benches and tables should be removed from the area.