The Creekside Board of Directors would like to give a very big "Thank You" to Diane Darrow and Joyce Nabors for the time and effort in decorating the new Creekside Entrance Monument. Both neighbors decorated the sign in holiday spirit and of their own expense. Its great to live in a neighborhood full of such wonderful, giving people. Thanks again.
Also, this is a good time to ask for community volunteers to step forward for 2009. Both Creekside and the Creekwood Master Board will need residents who are interested in running for seats as directors and/or officers. Please contact us at for any additional information.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Big Thank You to our Creekside Neighbors!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Neighborhood Watch Meeting Tomorrow
Compliments of the Manatee County Sheriff's Office Crime Prevention Unit:
The public is invited to attend a Neighborhood Coalition meeting tomorrow Dec. 18 at 1:30 pm. Guest speaker will be Frank Brunner with Manatee County Crime Stoppers to explain how you can leave an anonymous crime tip to receive a cash reward.
Meeting will be held at 600 US 301 Blvd. W. in the Crime Prevention Office.
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Manatee County Sheriff's Warning
Compliments of the Manatee County Sheriff's Office Crime Prevention Unit:
KNOCK, Knock… Who’s there?... The BAD GUY!... If only it was that easy to see them coming. When someone knocks on your door, are they there soliciting for good reasons or for bad? If you don’t know, here are some steps you can take to protect yourself:
- If you don’t know who it is, don’t open the door
o Talk to them through the door
o If they won’t leave, call 911
- Don’t ever show them any money, your wallet or your purse
- Don’t allow them to enter your home
- Don’t give out any personal information
o Don’t assume they know you if they use your name
- If they use your neighbor’s name, call your neighbor to confirm they sent them
o Some neighbors put their name on the exterior of their home
o They can also get a neighbor’s or even your name from the mail
- Use common sense and good judgment before you unlock and open your door to someone you don’t know
Remember, if you open the door, you have just jeopardized your and your family’s safety. Beware of suspicious people who solicit by knocking on your door. If they act suspicious or get demanding, call 911 immediately! Don’t ever hesitate to report any suspicious people or activity: It could make the difference between preventing/stopping a crime or becoming a victim.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
December CMB Mtg Dec. 17th
The December Creekwood Master Board Meeting has been moved forward to Wednesday, Dec. 17th at 5:30 pm. This is to allow for the late Dec. holidays. As always these meeting are open to all Creekwood home owners to attend and make comments. It is held at the AMI office, 9031 Town Center Parkway, Bradenton, FL.