Monday, April 28, 2008

Mailbox and Trash Can Vandalism

Last Friday, April 25th, some Creekwood homeowner's woke up to quite a mess. Some mailboxes had been uprooted and trash cans knocked over and dragged down the road with trash strewn out all along the road. Tonight is trash night again, so please keep an eye out and if you see or hear anything contact the Manatee County Sheriff's department at the following:

Manatee County Sheriff’s

Crime Prevention

941-747-3011 ext. 2500

RESULTS of the 2008 Annual Creekwood Meeting

This past Saturday, April 26th, the 2008 Creekwood Annual Meeting was held at the Braden River Library. We had a strong turnout to witness the passing of the 2 proposed Amendments and the election of the 2008 Creekwood Master Board. The image to the right has all the contact information for the 2008 Board as well as Sub Association presidents, Committee chairpersons, AMI and important dates.

Tonight is the first regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the new Creekwood Master Board to be held at AMI's office at 5:30 pm. This meeting is open to all community members to attend and make comments.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Upcoming Creekwood Meetings

On Saturday is the Creekwood 2008 Annual Meeting at 1:00 pm at the Braden River Library. The Creekwood Delegate Voters will vote on the Amendments approved by the CMB and elect the CMB members for 2008.

On Monday morning is the Creekwood Violations Committee meeting at 9:30 am at the AMI offices. The Agenda can be viewed by clicking the image to the left.

On Monday evening is the first meeting of the newly elected CMB at 5:30 pm at the AMI offices. This is the regularly scheduled meeting held on the last Monday of the month. As always this meeting is open to all homeowners in Creekwood.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

New AMI Manager for Creekwood

Today AMI distributed the announcement that our current property manager, Pamela Gavette, is leaving and will be replaced by Dorian Danys. Click on the image to see the announcement. You can e-mail her at

Monday, April 21, 2008

Creekwood Newsletter Distributed

The Creekwood Master Association Newsletter for April 2008 was distributed this weekend. Included is the name of all the Presidents & Delegate voters for each sub association as well as a summary of the 2008 Creekwood Reserve Study. If you would like to view the Reserve study it is available on the Creekside Website under the Publications section. It is 4 parts and includes 5 Exhibits which include color photos, an estimated expense timeline charts and graphs and credential info. You can also discuss your opinions of the study on the message boards.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Creekwood Amendments Approved by CMB

On Monday April 14th the Creekwood Master Board approved 2 amendments to be presented to the Delegate Voters for a vote, 1 to the Creekwood Declaration and 1 to the Creekwood By Laws. These amendments specify eligibility requirements for Creekwood Board Members. They will be voted on by the Delegate Voters at the Creekwood Annual Meeting to be held next Saturday, April 26th. Here are the amendments to be voted on:

Creekwood Amendments

Feel free to discuss your opinion of the Amendments on the Creekside Message Board

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Mail Theft Update

This is an update to a previous post regarding Mail Theft in Creekside.

A Bank of America location in St. Petersburg has reported multiple checks attempting to be cashed in their branch all originating in Bradenton. The perpetrators are refusing to provide ID when requested and license plates of some, but not all, have been caught on tape.

It is still up to us to be vigilante about monitoring our account info and our neighborhood. Please keep an eye on your bank accounts and try not to use your mailbox for outgoing bills. Alternatives include using the Post Office drop off inside the Creekwood Crossing BP gas station at the entrance to Creekwood or to use online banking to pay bills. If you see any suspicious vehicles or activity with your mailbox please contact the Sheriffs office.

Monday, April 14, 2008

New Chain & Lock for the Culvert Gate

It finally got replaced! A new, high grade commercial chain and lock that should stand up to the abuse better than the previous set up was installed today on the gate at the culvert. Hopefully this will reduce access to the FPL easement area from those seeking to ride off-road vehicles.

New Items on Creekside Website

This weekend 2 new items were added to the Creekside Community Website's Publications section. The first item added is the full PDF version of the Creekside at Creekwood Articles of Incorporation, CCR's and By-laws.

The second item is the Creekwood Master Association 2008 Reserve Study. This is a multiple part document including the Report and corresponding Exhibits. Take a look at the recommendations from Reserve Advisors on the reserve fund and expected expenses over the next 30 years. A summary of the report will be found in the next Creekwood Newsletter. You can also post your comments or thoughts about the report in the Creekside Message Boards.

Check it out!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Community Yard Sale This Weekend

This Saturday and Sunday is the Spring Creekwood Community Yard Sale. As always we expect a lot of traffic during this event. Its highly advised to drive slowly when on Creekwood streets.

Creekside tends to have a smaller turnout than the rest of Creekwood, but its still a worthwhile and fun event. If you get the opportunity it is highly encouraged to visit some of your neighbors homes for some good deals or just to say "Hi!".

Here's a little advice for an enjoyable day:
1. Most serious Yard Sale shoppers come out early, so the sooner you get your goods on your driveways the better.
2. Its highly advised to have small bills available for change.
3. Negotiating is part of the fun.
4. Some extra cash can be made on selling refreshments and its a fun way to keep the kids involved...lemonade stand anyone!

Have fun and be safe! See you there.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Reported Mail Theft in Creekside!

The following was reported by a Creekside Board Member on Tuesday, April 8th. Please be aware:

"On Monday morning, April 7th, at approximately 10 AM a red Dodge truck with 2 African-American females were observed stopping and removing mail from curbside mailboxes that had the red flag up in Creekside. This incident was reported to the local sheriff as well as the post office. The sheriff indicated that there has been recent incidents of mail theft reported in Tara and surrounding neighborhoods. The sheriff strongly recommended that residents do not place any mail for pickup that have checks enclosed or credit card information.
Also, be on the lookout for suspicious vehicles when the IRS rebate checks start to be mailed. Any suspicious activity regarding mail theft should be reported immediately to the Sheriff's Department as well as the local postmaster."

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Pool Closed Today due to Trash!

The Creekwood Community Pool was closed this morning due to Trash in the Pool including diapers. The initial assessment is the trash was intentionally thrown into the pool. The pool will have to be cleaned before it can be used again.
Again we reiterate our call for volunteers for the Security Committee. We need help to implement the things to help deter such vandalism such as Security cameras and additionally lighting. Please contact Elizabeth Sullivan at to volunteer. We need your help to improve Creekwood.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

More Vandalism at the Pool

The below e-mail was sent last night , April 4th, by a member of the Creekwood Master Board. If you are in the Pool area, please keep an eye out. If you see anything broken please report it to a Creekwood Board Member, AMI or e-mail If you see vandalism occurring please call the Sheriffs. We need your help to catch the perpetrators!

"Everyone, tonight I went to the pool to see if any work had been done to fix the vandal damage (no work done). Someone with knowledge of where the potable water valve was, had opened the pool filter door and turned the water spigot on full blast and water was running out on the ground. Who knows how long that has been on.

Apparently, someone is making a special effort to do additional damage to the area. The lock on the cover has been destroyed and it now needs to be repaired.

Please give extra vigilance to the area in your passing. We just might catch someone yet. As they get bolder, they will make a mistake."

Friday, April 4, 2008

Updates on Approved Resolutions in Creekwood

Over the last few months the current Creekwood Master Board (CMB) has approved resolutions to some blatant community issues in Creekwood and authorized AMI to handle. Here is a progress update on a few items:

a) Creekwood Boulevard Fence - At the Feb 25th CMB meeting, AMI was instructed to begin the process to replace the remaining wooden fence along the Creekwood Blvd. with a louvered, vinyl fence similar to the existing fence. This involves many steps including, but not limited to compiling all documents from the previous fence installation, dealing with our legal counsel for notification letters, notifying current affected homeowners, handling corresponding landscaping needs, and obtaining additional quotes for the fence. As of the Mar. 24th CMB meeting, AMI has compiled the paperwork on what was done before.

b) New chain and lock for the FPL Easement Gate next to the culvert at 49th Ave. E & 72nd Ave. E. - The new chain and lock was approved by the Creekwood Board at the Feb. 24th meeting. After verification of the length needed in mid March, this is yet to be ordered.

c) Broken Basketball Hoop – Approved at the Mar 24th meeting to install a commercial level hoop and possibly improve the current backboard if economically feasible. This is currently being investigated by AMI. Please contact AMI with any recommendations.

d) No Parking/Towing signs and Neighborhood Watch signs – Approved at the Feb 25th CMB meeting, the Security Committee assumed the responsibility from AMI and will provide the recommendation of what is needed and the total expense at the next regularly scheduled CMB meeting on April 28th.

Please contact with any questions or start a discussion on the message boards at