Friday, April 4, 2008

Updates on Approved Resolutions in Creekwood

Over the last few months the current Creekwood Master Board (CMB) has approved resolutions to some blatant community issues in Creekwood and authorized AMI to handle. Here is a progress update on a few items:

a) Creekwood Boulevard Fence - At the Feb 25th CMB meeting, AMI was instructed to begin the process to replace the remaining wooden fence along the Creekwood Blvd. with a louvered, vinyl fence similar to the existing fence. This involves many steps including, but not limited to compiling all documents from the previous fence installation, dealing with our legal counsel for notification letters, notifying current affected homeowners, handling corresponding landscaping needs, and obtaining additional quotes for the fence. As of the Mar. 24th CMB meeting, AMI has compiled the paperwork on what was done before.

b) New chain and lock for the FPL Easement Gate next to the culvert at 49th Ave. E & 72nd Ave. E. - The new chain and lock was approved by the Creekwood Board at the Feb. 24th meeting. After verification of the length needed in mid March, this is yet to be ordered.

c) Broken Basketball Hoop – Approved at the Mar 24th meeting to install a commercial level hoop and possibly improve the current backboard if economically feasible. This is currently being investigated by AMI. Please contact AMI with any recommendations.

d) No Parking/Towing signs and Neighborhood Watch signs – Approved at the Feb 25th CMB meeting, the Security Committee assumed the responsibility from AMI and will provide the recommendation of what is needed and the total expense at the next regularly scheduled CMB meeting on April 28th.

Please contact with any questions or start a discussion on the message boards at

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