Thursday, May 21, 2009

Summer Storm Predictions are in!

The predictions for the 2009 Summer Storms came out today form NOAA. In short, there is a 50% chance of an average year. Gotta love the precision on that estimate. Here is the meat and potatoes quote from the NOAA website:

"Forecasters say there is a 70 percent chance of having nine to 14 named storms, of which four to seven could become hurricanes, including one to three major hurricanes (Category 3, 4 or 5)."

Below are links to the NOAA news release and corresponding reports. - "NOAA Issues Atlantic Hurricane Season Outlook, Encourages Preparedness" - "NOAA predicts 'near-normal' Atlantic hurricane season"

Reuters via - "NOAA sees average 2009 Atlantic hurricane season"

Here is the forecast for the nation from
" 2009 Summer Forecast"

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