Wednesday, June 30, 2010

2 More FL PSC incumbents against Utility Rate Increases ousted by State Senate

From The Associated Press

"A state panel has refused even to interview two incumbent Public Service Commission members who are seeking reappointment.
The decision Wednesday by the PSC Nominating Council meeting in Tampa will reject two more of the five commissioners who earlier this year unanimously rejected big rate increases sought by Florida's largest power companies.

The Florida Senate previously refused to confirm two others after they had been appointed by Gov. Charlie Crist.

Tuesday's decision means Crist cannot reappoint Chairwoman Nancy Argenziano and Commissioner Nathan Skop when their terms expire at the end of the year.

Skop told The Associated Press that it was clearly payback for their votes against the rate increases."

The PSC consists of governer appointees, approved by the state Senate, to independently oversee the Florida's Power companies. Below is an article form the St. Pete Times discussing in greater detail what has happend to the PSC members since rejecting the rate increases.

St Pete Times - PSC Article

Below is an hour long podcast interview with the author of the St. Pete Times article, Howard Troxler, giving much greater detail on this issue and the conflicts of interests involved in the state Senate's appointment process.

Howard Troxler interview

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