Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hedges & Trees hacked in Creekside

Last Thursday someone maliciously hacked up hedges and tree branches all along 72nd Ct E. in Creekside. The branches were left lying on the sidewalk or in front yards. This is an unsanctioned and unacceptable act of vandalism. The perpetrator may be a Creekside resident as this occurred sometime in the middle of the night and only in Creekside. The damaged trees and hedges line the sidewalks along 72nd Ct E as if the perpetrator felt inconvenienced while walking. This selfish behavior is reprehensible. Its disrespectful to other homeowners and a crime! It also makes our neighborhood look worse.

If you see any suspicious activity late at night in Creekside, such as an individual with hedge trimmers walking around, please call 911 immediately. Its better to be safe than sorry.
Furthermore, please contact AMI with any complaint about landscaping so the violations procedure can be used to enforce compliance.

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