Some updates on events in Creekwood that apply to Creekside homeowners:
-As stated in earlier posts, Creekwood Master Association has retained Argus Property Management to manage the Creekwood community beginning in January 2010. Apparently this includes a change in banks as well. All homeowner's should have received their new payment coupons in the mail. There is currently no news at this time regarding how direct withdrawals will be effected.
-A community improvement grant was submitted and approved by Manatee County to match up to $2,500 in funding. The Creekwood Master Board (CMB) intends to use the funds for a veterans monument, flag pole, light and 3 benches. If you would like to hear more about it or discuss placement of the bench in the Creekside area, Sharon Fannin will meet you at the Creekside sign and show the placement options. Her contact info is or 941-752-7971.
-The December meeting of the CMB was cancelled. The next scheduled meeting will be the last Tuesday in January at a location to be determined.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Updates for Creekside Residents
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Hanging out the laundry in Florida
Despite the restrictions found in our Creekside documents, homeowners in Florida have the "Right to Dry" their clothes using clotheslines. Florida legislation was passed that prevents homeowner associations from "prohibiting solar collectors, clotheslines, or other energy devices based on renewable resources from being installed on buildings erected on the lots or parcels covered by the deed restriction, covenant, declaration, or binding agreement." Its is part of Chapter 163 of Title XI which is titled Energy devices based on renewable resources. The intent of the legistlation is to help homeowner's reduce their overall energy usage and may possibly end up saving people some money in the long run.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
New Property Management Company beginning 2010
At the October Creekwood Master Board meeting a review and vote was made to retain Argus Property Management, Inc. as the property management company for Creekwood beginning January 2010. The transition from AMI to Argus should occur through the end of the year. Please continue to contact AMI with any issues or question regarding your account and to pay any Master Association dues or fines through the end of December.
Further information will be communicated as soon as possible especially with regards to Bank Account Drafts, payment instructions for 2010 and beyond, maintenance contacts, website access, etc.
The next Creekwood Master Board meeting is scheduled for this coming Tues., Nov. 24th at 5:30 pm at AMI (9031 Town Center Parkway, Bradenton, FL 34202) and is open to all Creekwood/Creekside residents.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
CMB Town Hall Meeting on Saturday
Creekwood Master Board Town Hall Meeting this Saturday, Nov. 14th, at the Braden River Library, 10:00 am to Noon. As always this is open to all Creekwood homeowners.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Keys for the Community Pool
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Creekside Board Meeting Tonight 7PM
Tonight is the regularly scheduled Quarterly meeting of the Creekside Board of Directors. The meeting will be held at Starbucks in the Creekwood Crossing Shopping center at the entrance to Creekwood. This meeting is open to all Creekside residents to attend. Click on the image to view the agenda.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Hedges & Trees hacked in Creekside
Last Thursday someone maliciously hacked up hedges and tree branches all along 72nd Ct E. in Creekside. The branches were left lying on the sidewalk or in front yards. This is an unsanctioned and unacceptable act of vandalism. The perpetrator may be a Creekside resident as this occurred sometime in the middle of the night and only in Creekside. The damaged trees and hedges line the sidewalks along 72nd Ct E as if the perpetrator felt inconvenienced while walking. This selfish behavior is reprehensible. Its disrespectful to other homeowners and a crime! It also makes our neighborhood look worse.
If you see any suspicious activity late at night in Creekside, such as an individual with hedge trimmers walking around, please call 911 immediately. Its better to be safe than sorry.
Furthermore, please contact AMI with any complaint about landscaping so the violations procedure can be used to enforce compliance.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
School Started This Week

Monday was the first day of school around
10-14 MPH over the limit from $206 to $306
15-19 MPH over the limit from $256 to $381
20-29 MPH over the limit from $281 to $431
Going over 30 MPH over the limit in any zone is a mandatory court appearance before a county judge.
Creekwood Master Association Monthly Meeting Tonight
Tonight is the regularly scheduled monthly meeting for the Creekwood Master Association. As always this is open to all Creekwood homeowners. Meeting begins at 5:30 pm and is held at the AMI offices at 9031 Town Center Parkway in Bradenton.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Colonial Bank is closed. Will be part of BB&T
Last Friday, Aug. 14th, the FDIC closed Colonial Bank. All their accounts were purchased by BB&T bank. The Creekwood Master Association is currently is a customer of Colonial Bank. Based on the website everything should continue as usual. Click the image to the left to visit Colonial's website.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Creekwood Town Hall This Saturday!
The Creekwood Town Hall meeting will be held this Saturday from 10:00 am to Noon at the Braden River Library. This is open to all Creekwood homeowners to attend and ask the Master Board any questions.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
CMB Meeting Tonight
Regularly scheduled monthly Creekwood Master Board Meeting tonight at 5:30 pm at AMI offices. This is open to all Creekwood members to attend. The Agenda is not currently available. As a reminder, June's meeting was canceled due to lack of quorum.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Suspicious White Van in Creekwood
A year and half ago a woman was walking and was almost abducted and it was a white van. Recently, I walked my dog and a white van was following me, now a neighbor just informed me she was walking and a white van was following her. Notice to all women, please carry mace, your cell phone and if you suspect anyone following you, call immediately and report it. Use your keys as a weapon.
Elizabeth M. Sullivan
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy Fourth of July!

Friday, June 26, 2009
Creekwood Picnic Tomorrow!
Last Reminder:
Creekwood Picnic Tomorrow 6-9 pm at the Recreation Area. Open to everyone in Creekwood and food is FREE!!! If you would like to bring a dish to share, it would be appreciated. There will be Music, Kid games, Activities and Prizes!!!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Tuesday's Storm - Strong and Messy
Tuesday night, Creekwood and the rest of Manatee county, was hit with quite a strong Thunderstorm. Unfortunately, it coincided with our trash pickup schedule. This meant many overturned recycling bins and trash cans throughout Creekwood. Please take some time over the next few days to help clean up some of the loose newspapaer, bottles, cans, etc. Its up to us to keep Creekwood looking good.
Here is an article regarding the storm and quoting a Creekwood resident from The Bradenton Herald:
"Mother Nature smacks Manatee with high winds, scores of lightning strikes"
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Creekwood MB Meeting Cancelled
Due to a lack of quorem, yesterday's regularly scheduled Creekwood Master Board monthly meeting was cancelled. We will keep you posted if it is rescheduled prior to July's monthly meeting.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
A 25 Acre Park in Creekwood
"Creekwood has 25-acre park envisioned"
Friday, June 12, 2009
Creekwood Community Picnic June 27th
A Creekwood Community Picnic is set for Saturday, June 27th from 6-9 pm. Please click on the image to gather further details. All Creekwood residents have been invited to attend. This event is being coordinated by volunteers and funded by donations from some of the individual sub associations.
Westbrook Meeting on 6-16-09
Wrong date in yesterday's heading. The meeting is next Tuesday, June 16th.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
Thank you
Monday, June 1, 2009
Creekside Board Quarterly Meeting
Creekside at Creekwood Board of Directors will have their regularly scheduled Quarterly meeting this Thursday, June 4, at 7 pm. As always, this meeting is open to all Creekside members. Click on the image to see the full agenda.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Creekwood Clean Up
At the May 25th Creekwood Master Board Meeting, the Board approved the following items to clean up our community and fulfill requirements for maintenance of common area amenities:
- The Pool House will be cleaned and painted by Pro Clean for aprox. $300
- The light pools at the recreation area will be painted by Adams Paint for approximately $95 per pole.
- An application will be filed with Manatee County to obtain a matching Grant for approximately $2,500 to provide improvements in the community. Suggested improvements included a Veteran's Monument at the Recreation area, benches along Creekwood Blvd., a new light for the Basketball Court, some general landscaping improvements
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Creekwood Master Board Meeting tonight.
Regular Scheduled monthly meeting of the Creekwood Master Board is tonight, May 26th, at 5:30 pm at the AMI offices, 9031 Town Center Pkwy, Bradenton, FL. As always, this is open to all Creekwood homeowners.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Summer Storm Predictions are in!
The predictions for the 2009 Summer Storms came out today form NOAA. In short, there is a 50% chance of an average year. Gotta love the precision on that estimate. Here is the meat and potatoes quote from the NOAA website:
"Forecasters say there is a 70 percent chance of having nine to 14 named storms, of which four to seven could become hurricanes, including one to three major hurricanes (Category 3, 4 or 5)."
Below are links to the NOAA news release and corresponding reports. - "NOAA Issues Atlantic Hurricane Season Outlook, Encourages Preparedness" - "NOAA predicts 'near-normal' Atlantic hurricane season"
Reuters via - "NOAA sees average 2009 Atlantic hurricane season"
Here is the forecast for the nation from
" 2009 Summer Forecast"
Monday, May 18, 2009
Creekwood Master Board Response to Westbrook I Secessation Petition
This past weekend homeowners in Creekwood received in the mail a response by the Creekwood Master Association President, Michael Walley, to the signature gathering efforts of Westbrook I residents interested in secession from the Master Association. The letter disputes many of the statements made in a Question & Answer info sheet distributed to Westbrook I homeowners by the secessionists. Both Mr. Walley's response and the initial petition flyer are available here on the Creekside at Creekwood website. Please read all 4 pages and share your thoughts on the Creekside message board.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Creekwood Town Hall Summary
Last Saturday, May 9th, the Creekwood Town Hall was held at Braden River Library. It was quite an event. Clearly the 2 main issues were 1. AMI as the management company for Creekwood and 2. Efforts of Westbrook I to secede from Creekwood. These 2 issues comprised the majority of the discussions at the meeting, with it becoming quite heated.
1. Many homeowner's expressed their discontent with AMI as the CMA management company, specifically focusing on lack of communication from AMI. The Creekwood Master Board (CMB) assured those present that the bidding process for the property management contract would begin in earnest this summer. Previously at the March 24th Creekwood Master Association (CMA) meeting, Creekside submitted a written letter of complaint regarding AMI to the CMB. If you would like to share your thoughts on this please visit the Creekside Message Board.
2. There is a group of residents in Westbrook I seeking to break away from Creekwood based on their disapproval of recent actions of the CMB. Clearly a major issue for these homeowners is the maintenance of the Community Pool with some of the attendees from Westbrook I calling for its removal. As expected the CMB was highly resistant to such secession discussion as this would be quite a large change in expenses for all homeowners throughout Creekwood. This would increase the cost for the remaining homes in the CMA for all expenses as they are spread among fewer homes. Michael Walley, president of the CMB, pointed out that as the sub associations do not have any claim to any common property such as the monument walls, stormwater drainage system (lakes), recreation area, open grass areas, lighting, etc., there would be extensive costs to the sub association purchaser of any of these items were they to be divested by the Master Association. There was little discussion of the legal expenses that may be incurred to handle this issue. If you would like to share your thoughts on this please visit the Creekside Message Board.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Fossils found in Creekwood Lake
From the Bradenton Herald a few weeks ago:
Fossil-rich Creekwood lake offers teachable moments
Friday, Apr. 24, 2009
Click the title for the full article.
Since the article, some of the fossils have been identified by a local museum official as being from ancient Dugongs, a relative of the manatee, dating back even further than the 10,000 years discussed in the article and ancient sharks. Click here for some more info about ancient Dugongs in Florida and here for info on fossil hunting in Florida.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
If you haven't noticed the signs already...
Creekwood Town Hall Meeting to be held this Saturday, May 9th, at the Braden River Public Library at 10:00 AM. This is open to all Creekwood Homeowners to attend. Hope to see you there.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Creekwood Clean Up
At the July 28th Creekwood Master Board Meeting, the Board approved the following items to clean up our community and fulfill requirements for maintenance of common area amenities:
- The Creekwood Boulevard Fence will be cleaned by Pro Wash Cleaning for aprox. $1,530
- The Monument Walls, both stucco and brick, will be cleaned by Pro Wash Cleaning for an amount not to exceed $500.
- The Pool area decking will be cleaned, painted and cracks repaired by Pro Clean for aprox. $2,500
- The Pool will be updated with Pool Filtration Covers as required by recent Federal, State and local rulings by G & S Pools.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Lighting for Creekside Monument Sign
At the April 28th Creekwood Master Board Meeting, the Board accepted the bid from Moonlighting to install solar powered lighting at the Creekside Monument Sign. For details on the light and the expected cost please click on the image to the left.
Crime Watch meeting Tuesday at Trinity United Methodist
From the Bradenton website-
Crime Watch meetings at Trinity United MethodistBy VIN MANNIX -
BRADENTON — The first of two Neighborhood Crime Watch meetings will be held Tuesday from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Trinity United Methodist Church, 3200 Manatee Ave. W.
The topics are residential security and how Crime Watch works.
The second meeting is May 12 and the topics are personal safety, identity theft and scams.
It is presented by the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office.
The target area is 20th Street West to 51st Street West, north of Manatee Avenue, but all citizens are welcome.
For details, call (941) 747-3011, ext. 2500 or 2587.
Or call Trinity at (941) 747-3704
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
2 Creekwood Master Board Open Seats
As of this morning, there are currently 2 vacancies on the Creekwood Master Board.
During last nights Master Board meeting, in a 6-0 vote, the Directors approved legal counsel's opinion that Ms. Elizabeth Sullivan was ineligible to be elected to the Board at the Creekwood Annual Meeting that took place on March 21st and is therefore not a Director.
This morning Director Carl Hartley notified the Board via e-mail that he is resigning effective immediately.
Based on these events there are currently 5 remaining Board members with 1 individual from each Sub Association. It is expected that the Board will be deciding to either fill both positions with appointees or continue with only 5 members. Creekside News will keep you posted on the outcome.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Creekwood Master Board Meeting Tonight
Tonight is the April meeting of the Creekwood Master Board. As usual this meeting is held at AMI's office (9031 Town Center Parkway Bradenton, Florida 34202) at 5:30 pm and is open to all Creekwood members. The Creekside president will be in attendance to hear what steps the Creekwood Board has taken regarding Creekside's letter of management accountability. An update will be posted in the Creekside newsletter coming soon.
Heads up!
This is not new but is a recurrence of desperate measures by desperate people in times of economic stress. Be vigilant and do not put mail in your mail box for handling as postage that contains personal identifiers such as date of birth, social security number etc. OR any financial instrument such as a check or money order that could be used as a vehicle to steal money from you or your account(s)
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Thanks from the treasurer
The assessment for Creekside at Creekwood is due on May 1st. I sent out 58 letters to homeowners who were current with prior years and have already received payment from 42! Thank you so much.
I also sent out 41 letters to homeowners who were delinquent at least one of the last two years and have received payment from 14 of those homeowners! Thank you so much also. The letter, which I posted here previously, was designed to elicit cooperation from homeowners who were delinquent. As seen above, there has been marginal success.
Those folks who are delinquent from previous years and those who choose not to pay this year's assessment by June 2nd are subject to lien. That is expensive to the homeowners as they will incur the cost of filing the lien and removal when they pay their fees. That seems strange compared to just paying the fees, don't you think?
We have four homes in foreclosure and will discuss, as a board, whether or not we want to file liens against those properties and collect the assessment fees from the banks.
We, as a board, have contacted the Bank that collects fees for the Master Association and may enter into a deal with them to collect our fees at the same time. This was requested by a number of you and we are listening to your request and attempting to make this a reality.
Thanks again for your cooperation. Be blessed and be a blessing to others...
Sunday, April 5, 2009
2009 Creekside @ CreekwoodAssessment
On or about March 24, 2009 I mailed an assessment letter and an invoice specific to each residence to every homeowner in Creekside. even though the assessment is not due until May 1, 2009.
I have received a significant response. The letter is an attempt to inform you as to why we have a Creekside @ Creekwood Board. Thank you for taking the time to read and respond to the mailing and/or this post.
We have begun investigations to have our nominal fee collection included in the mailing that goes out to every homeowner for the Creekside Master Association dues. This would standardize the process of notification and collection and be more efficient.
Have a blessed day.
David W. Herrington
Creekside @ Creekwood

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Creekwood Master Board Meeting Tonight
Tonight is the First meeting of the Creekwood Master Board as elected at last Saturday's Annual meeting. As usual this meeting is held at AMI's office at 5:30 pm and is open to all Creekwood members. The Creekside president will formally present the letter to the Master Board detailing Creekside's frustration with the current management company for Creekwood as discussed at the Creekside Annual Board meeting on March 14th. The letter will be delivered via certified mail, return receipt, to AMI's office as well as posted for viewing on the Creekside website following tonight's meeting.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Creekwood Master Annual Meeting Tomorrow
Last Reminder that the Creekwood Master Association will hold its Annual meeting tomorrow, Saturday, March 21st at 1 pm at the Braden River Library. The meeting will include the election of 3 Directors for the 2009 Creekwood Master Board of Directors. No agenda for the meeting has been posted on the Creekwood/AMI website. The list of currently named nominees can be viewed below. Other nominees may be added from the floor. You are highly encouraged to attend.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Sheriff's E-Watch Meeting Tomorrow
The public is invited to the monthly Neighborhood Coalition meeting tomorrow Thursday, March 19th at 1:30pm. The meeting will be held in the Sheriff’s Office Crime Prevention conference room located at 600 301 Blvd. W. Guest speaker will be Deputy Dawn Stroup presenting information on Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)
New Creekside Board for 2009
Thank you to everyone who attended or provided voting certificates for the Creekside at Creekwood Annual Meeting this past Saturday. We had a very good discussion of issues affecting Creekside and plans for 2009. Below is the newly elected Board of Directors and the officers as determined in the Organizational meeting that followed:
Sami Bisharat - President
Steve Yanics - Vice President
David Herrington - Treasurer
JoAnn Voorhees - Secretary
Gary Rouse - Compliance
Jim Voorhees
Leonard LoCastro
The Creekside Delegate Voter is Jim Voorhees.
Thanks again to all our volunteers for these positions as well as those from 2008's Board. Your contributions to the betterment of Creekside are greatly appreciated.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Creekside Annual Meeting Tomorrow!
Last Reminder that the Creekside at Creekwood Association will hold its Annual meeting tomorrow, Saturday, March 14th at 1 pm at 4649 72nd Ct. E. in Creekside. The Agenda for the meeting can be viewed below. The meeting will include the election of the 2009 Creekside Board of Directors, discussion of the 2009 Budget and appointment of officers and Delegate Voter. If you are unable to attend, please contact a current Creekside Board member or e-mail and you will be contacted regarding a Voter Certificate.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Vehicle Break-Ins in Creekwood!
Elizabeth M. Sullivan
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Creekside Annual Meeting - Mar. 14th
The Creekside at Creekwood Association will hold its Annual meeting on Saturday, March 14th at 1 pm at 4649 72nd Ct. E. in Creekside. The Agenda for the meeting can be viewed to the left. The meeting will include the election of the 2009 Creekside Board of Directors, discussion of the 2009 Budget and appointment of officers and Delegate Voter. If you are unable to attend, please contact a current Creekside Board member or e-mail and you will be contacted regarding a Voter Certificate.
Friday, February 27, 2009
2009 Creekwood Master Annual Member Meeting
The 2009 Creekwood Master Association Annual Members Meeting will be held on Sat. March 21, 2009 at 1:00 pm at Braden River Library, 4915 53rd Ave. W., Bradenton, FL. Three Board Seats are up for election. An initial Ballot with 3 candidates was released to Delegate Voters who will vote on behalf of their respective association. Other candidates may be nominated from the floor. Following the annual meeting will be the Board Organizational meeting establishing Officers. All members are encouraged to attend.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Creekwood Master Board Meeting Tonight
Creekwood Master Board is meeting tonight in the Regularly Scheduled February Meeting. One main topic for discussion tonight will be the resurfacing of the deck area around the community pool. As always these meetings are open to any Creekwood homeowner and is hosted at the AMI offices at 9031 Town Center Parkway Bradenton, Florida 34202 homeowner beginning at 5:30 pm.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Mailbox Clean Up Time!
As stated in the recent Creekwood Newsletter, March will be Mailbox Clean Up month. In keeping up with the other violation reps of Creekwood, who have been trying to clean up mailboxes, Creekside mail boxes will be reviewed for mildew, rust and those in need of painting or replacing. We encourage proactive efforts by Creekside members to clean your own boxes and/or paint the boxes and posts if needed. Some of us have a double box that needs to be cleaned. You may want to do both of them if yours is attached, or mention it to your neighbor for help.
If yours fits the description of needing cleaning, painting, or replacing, you may be getting a notice with the rest of the Creekwood, as a reminder, in March. Please take a moment to spray them with Tilex spray or bleach and water if they need cleaning. It only takes a couple of minutes to do.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Creekside Regularly Scheduled Meeting
Attached is the agenda for the last Creekside at Creekwood Regularly Scheduled meeting prior to the Annual meeting. As always this meeting is open to all Creekside at Creekwood members.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Message from Creekwood Security Committee re: Sliding Glass Doors
Friday, February 6, 2009
Recent Meeting Changes
There have been some changes to the meeting schedules for Creekwood Master Board and the Creekside Board. The Creekwood Master Board Monthly meeting has officially been moved to the 4th Tuesday of every month. The Creekwood Town Hall meeting set for Sat., Feb. 7th, has been cancelled since the Annual meeting will be held in March. The next CMB meeting is Tues., Feb. 24th. at 5:30 pm at the AMI offices.
Creekside Board meets quarterly and postponed the meeting scheduled for yesterday, Feb. 5th. We will post the date, time and location of the next meeting as well as the Creekside Annual Meeting soon.
RBC Bank Robbed on Wednesday
From Manatee County Sheriffs E-Watch:
The RBC Centura Bank was robbed Wednesday. If you recognize the man in the attached photo, please call the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office at 747-3011 ext. 2522 and refer to case number 09-6061.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Super Bowl Parties (and any other gatherings)!!!
Many of us will be enjoying the Super Bowl tomorrow with friends & family. While we hope everyone has a fun, safe time, it is also important as a good neighbor to respect those around you when hosting a party.
In order to help reduce any inconveniences here are a few simple things you can do:
- Please make sure there is plenty of room for street traffic, especially for emergency vehicles, to safely travel around parked cars.
- Please remember to end your parties at a reasonable hour (around 10 pm) as many neighbors may have school or work the following day.
- Its always good to let your neighbors know that you're having a large amount of guests over in advance.
- Please clean up afterwards.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Creekwood Master Board Monthly Meeting
The Creekwood Master Board Monthly Meeting for January was rescheduled for tomorrow, Thursday January 29th. As always this meeting is held at the AMI office, 9031 Town Center Parkway, Bradenton, FL, and is open to all homeowner's in Creekwood. Here is the agenda as found on the AMI website.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Approved Mailbox Replacement
This is an approved design for replacement mailbox posts in Creekwood. If your post is damaged you can contact this company to provide the replacement. Mailboxes are the responsibility of each individual homeowner. Please contact AMI if any additional information is needed.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Sexual Offender Registry Notification
This is to inform you that the following updated address information was reported to the Florida Sexual Offender Registry and falls within the specified 2 Mile radius:
Offender Name: BRADLEY MICHAEL KASZUBA | DOB: 10/26/1984 | Reported Offender Address: 9019 61ST AVENUE DR E, BRADENTON, FL | View Offender Flyer |
To change your subscription information, go to and select "Tracking Addresses."
It is unlawful to misuse public records information regarding a sexual offender or predator as defined by Florida Statute Section 775.21(10)(c).Thank you,
The Florida Offender Alert System
The Florida Offender Alert System is being provided in partnership between the Florida Sheriffs Association, Florida Police Chiefs Association and Florida Department of Law Enforcement.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!
Happy 2009 to all our Creekside Homeowners. Looking forward to a year of growth, change and improvements.
Remember we can't do this alone and need your help in making Creekside the best neighborhood around. Get involved through volunteering, attending meetings, posting on the Creekside message board or just saying "Hi!" to your neighbors. Everything that will be accomplished will only be through teamwork and group effort.
Best of luck to everyone this new year!