Friday, December 18, 2009

Updates for Creekside Residents

Some updates on events in Creekwood that apply to Creekside homeowners:

-As stated in earlier posts, Creekwood Master Association has retained Argus Property Management to manage the Creekwood community beginning in January 2010. Apparently this includes a change in banks as well. All homeowner's should have received their new payment coupons in the mail. There is currently no news at this time regarding how direct withdrawals will be effected.

-A community improvement grant was submitted and approved by Manatee County to match up to $2,500 in funding. The Creekwood Master Board (CMB) intends to use the funds for a veterans monument, flag pole, light and 3 benches. If you would like to hear more about it or discuss placement of the bench in the Creekside area, Sharon Fannin will meet you at the Creekside sign and show the placement options. Her contact info is 941-752-7971.

-The December meeting of the CMB was cancelled. The next scheduled meeting will be the last Tuesday in January at a location to be determined.