Monday, August 23, 2010

Back to School Again

Today, Aug 23rd, is the first day of school around Manatee County. Please be aware of students in the morning and evenings heading to and from schools, congregating around bus stops, and crossing streets. The Manatee County Sheriffs ask everyone to pay attention to posted speed limits as they will be out enforcing the school zone limits.

Special Meeting of CMB on Tuesday

Tomorrow, Aug 24th, a special meeting of the Creekwood Master Board will be held to review the bids for removal of invasive Pepper Trees from drainage areas in Creekwood. 2 bids will be reviewed and voted on for approval. This may affect areas in Creekside. This meeting is open to all Creekwood homeowners and will be held at 5:30 pm at the Wingate Hotel, 5464 Lena Road, Bradenton, FL 34203.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Suspicious Trespassing in Creekside!

Property Manager Tiffany from Argus has relayed another trespassing situation from a homeowner on 73rd street east in Creekside.

"I have been looking for someone to get in touch with to let them know about our experience on Saturday night Aug.7th. My husband and I heard a couple of large thuds, which has led us to believe that someone hopped over our wooden fence and was in our back yard, luckily we have a very large dog with a even bigger growl and bark who seemed to have scared them away after hearing the noises. However the person/persons were long gone once we got up and made sure noone made it into our home, but our gate to the back yard was left WIDE open (we are assuming that is how they exited our yard since it opens from the inside). So we know someone was in our back yard. This all happened around 1:00am even with 2 cars parked in our drive. Can you please pass this info along as well that way people in Creekside know that it was not just a one time thing with the other home owner and that it happened several days after the first break-in and everyone should be aware.... I have a feeling the same people were probably involved."

Unfortunately, the Manatee County Sheriff's website has not reported any dispatched calls in Creekside, but there was one in Lakeside on 72nd Ct. E. on Aug. 4th for a Burglary report. Please remember if anything suspicious occurs call 9-1-1. Only the Manatee County Sheriff's office can properly process crimes, not the homeowner's association or our property managers. As a community its our responsibility to watch out for our neighbors, so keep an eye out.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Creekside 2nd Quarterly Meeting Tonight

Tonight is the 2nd Quarter regularly scheduled meeting of the Creekside board of directors. As always this is open to all Creekside members to attend.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Break-In in Creekside!!!

An e-mail message from the Creekwood Property manager:

"Creekwood Master Board,
I received a call yesterday from an owner at Creekside whose home had been broken into and items taken. Her neighbors saw two white males in their late teens walking behind homes during the day on August 3rd. This owners' home was broken into the next day. She called to let me know and for me to pass this information on to you in hopes that it can be mentioned in the next newsletter for all owners to be on the lookout for any strange activity.
Tiffany Cox, CAM
Argus Property Management, Inc.
2477 Stickney Point Road, Suite 118A
Sarasota, FL 34231
office: 941-927-6464
fax: 941-927-6454

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

CMB July Meeting Summary

Last Tuesday, July 27th, the Creekwood Master Board had their semi-monthly meeting. A short summary of decisions follows:

  • A motion to authorize Pond Professionals to install aeration devices in ponds 7 & 13 was approved with a maximum total cost not to exceed $4,500 including electrical wiring
  • A motion to authorize Blooming to perform a 1-time preventative spraying of the drainage canal behind Westbrook II of recently removed pepper trees was approved for a cost not to exceed $350
  • Any covenant violation in the community is to be reported directly to Argus who will handle enforcement (the sub associations are no longer involved in verification)
Some items still in process include obtaining bids for the following:
  • Lighting behind the Lakeside wall at recreation area parking lot
  • Drainage ditch clearing and restoration in Lakeside II of pepper trees and Creekside (Due to the time sensitivity of the issue, a special meeting will be called when all bids are available)
  • Video surveillance equipment for the recreation area
  • Lighting for the Lakeside sign on the North side of 49th Ave.
  • Landscaping for the Creekside sign and Lakeside I & II on Creekwood Blvd next to the vinyl fencing

Monday, July 19, 2010

Too Many Schools, Not enough students

According to this Article from the Bradenton Herald. Nearby local school Gullett Elementary was recognized as the leading school with too many seats and not enough students. The discrepancy is not expected to affect the 2010-11 school year, but may impact the following years especially if the school district budgets get tightened.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Thanks & Time's Up!

The Creekside Board would like to Thank all the homeowners that have paid the 2010 Creekside annual dues. About 2/3rds of all homeowners have come through.

For all those still outstanding, the $10.00 late fee is now included for the 2010 fiscal year. Notification letters will be distributed to those homeowners shortly. As always, payment can still be made online via Paypal on the Creekside website.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Trash Pickup will be Wednesday Morning

Due to the 4th of July holiday observance on Monday, July 5th, collections will take place one day later for the remaining days that week, with regular collection days resuming the following Monday.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Happy Independence Day to all the residents of Creekside!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

2 More FL PSC incumbents against Utility Rate Increases ousted by State Senate

From The Associated Press

"A state panel has refused even to interview two incumbent Public Service Commission members who are seeking reappointment.
The decision Wednesday by the PSC Nominating Council meeting in Tampa will reject two more of the five commissioners who earlier this year unanimously rejected big rate increases sought by Florida's largest power companies.

The Florida Senate previously refused to confirm two others after they had been appointed by Gov. Charlie Crist.

Tuesday's decision means Crist cannot reappoint Chairwoman Nancy Argenziano and Commissioner Nathan Skop when their terms expire at the end of the year.

Skop told The Associated Press that it was clearly payback for their votes against the rate increases."

The PSC consists of governer appointees, approved by the state Senate, to independently oversee the Florida's Power companies. Below is an article form the St. Pete Times discussing in greater detail what has happend to the PSC members since rejecting the rate increases.

St Pete Times - PSC Article

Below is an hour long podcast interview with the author of the St. Pete Times article, Howard Troxler, giving much greater detail on this issue and the conflicts of interests involved in the state Senate's appointment process.

Howard Troxler interview

Thursday, May 27, 2010

This Saturday - Community Picnic & Veterns Memorial Dedication

This Saturday, May 29th, is the Creekwood Community Picnic and Veterans Memorial Dedication. The Community picnic is funded via donations from all the sub-associations including $100 from Creekside. The funds are to provide FREE food and drink for attendees. The pool is open and there will be a bounce house for kids. All Creekwood members are invited to attend.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Creekside Board Meeting Tonight

Tonight is the first Quarter Creekside Board of Directors Meeting. As always all Creekside Members are welcome to attend.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Pool Re-Opens Today!!

From Creekwood Board Member, Sue Sizler:

"The pool will be open for swimming on Sat 4-10 as long as there are no problems! Please pass this info along to the residents. Everyone can get a pool key from Duane, please call him at 737-1844!"

Friday, April 9, 2010

Creekside 2010 Annual Meeting

The Creekside at Creekwood Association Annual Meeting for 2010 will be held at 2:00 pm on Saturday, April 17th, on the lawn at 4649 72nd Ct. E. in Creekside. Election of Board members for 2010 will occur at this time. If you cannot attend please complete a Voting Certificate (click here) and give it to a neighbor that you know will be attending.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Planning Meeting for Creekwood Veterans Memorial

From Sharon Fanning, ACC Chair:

On Thursday evening, January 28 at 7:30, Larry Dean, Chairman of the Veterans Memorial Ceremony Planning Committee will have a meeting at his home, 7615 49th AveE. The Veterans Memorial is being partially funded with a grant from Manatee County and will be located at a county-approved location in the area at the Recreation Area (pool). It will consist of a concrete & bronze monument, American flag on a 20' bronze flag pole, appropriate (flag) lighting and a bench. At the W&M meeting it was mentioned that some members may be able to get a flag from Vern Buchannan or perhaps Donna Hayes may be willing to attend. Other suggestions were getting Boy Scouts or ROTC (Braden River HS) to participate.
Although the ceremony is planned for May -- no definite date or time yet -- which seems a long way off, it is important to get started now so the Committee can get on the calendar of potential ceremony participants.
Sub Association Presidents: Please invite anyone you think may be willing to get involved to attend Larry's meeting. Larry's phone number is 739-8257.