Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Planning Meeting for Creekwood Veterans Memorial

From Sharon Fanning, ACC Chair:

On Thursday evening, January 28 at 7:30, Larry Dean, Chairman of the Veterans Memorial Ceremony Planning Committee will have a meeting at his home, 7615 49th AveE. The Veterans Memorial is being partially funded with a grant from Manatee County and will be located at a county-approved location in the area at the Recreation Area (pool). It will consist of a concrete & bronze monument, American flag on a 20' bronze flag pole, appropriate (flag) lighting and a bench. At the W&M meeting it was mentioned that some members may be able to get a flag from Vern Buchannan or perhaps Donna Hayes may be willing to attend. Other suggestions were getting Boy Scouts or ROTC (Braden River HS) to participate.
Although the ceremony is planned for May -- no definite date or time yet -- which seems a long way off, it is important to get started now so the Committee can get on the calendar of potential ceremony participants.
Sub Association Presidents: Please invite anyone you think may be willing to get involved to attend Larry's meeting. Larry's phone number is 739-8257.